The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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PC-DOS 2.00 & 2.10 HELP Function
Copyright (C) 1984 by: Chris Bailey
P.O. Box 332
Peterborough, Ontario
Canada, K9J 6Z3
Distribution Notice
The HELP function is made available as a User-Supported "public
domain" package consisting of the program, help and document
files listed below. You are encouraged to give copies to your
friends for evaluation, however only complete "distribution
copies" should be made using the batch file MAKEBKUP.BAT provided
on the diskette. Please do not distribute altered copies. The
package MUST NOT be sold by retailers. If after a short
evaluation period you find this HELP function is of value to you,
please register your copy with me using the HELPREG.DOC file on
this diskette and include a recommended contribution of $15. (If
you obtained this diskette directly from me, the $10 charged is
used to cover the cost of materials, postage and handling) This
$15 contribution helps me continue software development and
provide you with new and interesting software products at
reasonable prices. You will also be informed of updates and new
software packages as they become available if you register.
Additional copies of this package are available on request for
$25 ($10 for handling & $15 contribution).
Businesses, schools and other facilities that wish to make many
copies of this package or put the package on a network may obtain
site licence privileges by paying a fee based on the following
$15 - for the first copy of the package;
plus $5 - for each additional copy made, or each computer
or terminal accessing the package via a network
(up to a maximum total of $200).
or $200 - to obtain unlimited copying and network access
privileges at the site.
To continue developing software that is affordable I require a
certain monetary return on this product. This package is better
than most computer aids available today, and has been distributed
through the public domain to keep the marketing, packaging and
distribution costs down. These benefits have been passed on to
you the user by allowing you to "try before you buy" and
utimately asking for a modest $15 contribution (what other
software can you get for $15 ?). In the true spirit of
User-Supported software, you the user must support the product in
a monetary manner if you use it (otherwise it's called software
piracy). The alternative is to not pay and discourage software
authors from using the public domain as a distribution method.
This will only help drive up the cost of software in general.
This package is distributed on an "as is" basis without warranty.
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the text
and examples included in the help files, however the package is
intended as a supplement to your copy of the DOS manual, not a
replacement. If contradictions arise between the DOS manual and
the HELP files, the DOS manual must prevail.
HELP Function Files on this Diskette
The following files and directories should be present on your
copy of the distribution diskette:
HELP.EXE - The HELP Function program.
HCONFIG.EXE - HELP Function configuration program.
HELP.DOC - This file.
HELPREG.DOC - HELP Function registration form.
MAKEBKUP.BAT - Make a backup of this disk.
CNV2_00.BAT - Convert the HELP files for DOS version 2.00.
CNVPCJR.BAT - Convert the HELP files for use with PCjr.
CLEANUP.BAT - Delete extra files to free up disk space after
the HELP Function is configured for your system.
\PRIMARY - All primary help files (50 files).
\SECNDRY - All secondary help files (58 files).
\HELP2_00\PRIMARY - DOS 2.00 primary help file changes (2 files).
\SECNDRY - DOS 2.00 secondary help file changes (7 files).
\HELPPCJR\PRIMARY - PCjr primary help file changes (9 files).
\SECNDRY - PCjr secondary help file changes (12 files).
Computer Required to Use HELP
To successfully use the HELP function, you will require the
following computer system:
IBM Personal Computer, PCjr, or a compatible machine
One or more diskette drives
80 column color/graphics or monochrome display
PC-DOS 2.00 or 2.10
HELP Function Capabilities
The HELP function provides an on-screen help capability that
should helpful for anyone using PC-DOS 2.00 or 2.10. As
distributed this package contains two levels of help for all DOS
commands, an abbreviated version and a detailed explanation
including examples. In addition, many topics not normally
discussed are explained at length in the secondary help files.
Solutions to common computer problems and clarifications of some
DOS concepts are also addressed.
To invoke the HELP function, enter the command "HELP" followed by
the Enter key. This will show you the topics available at the
primary help level. To view the help file, enter the command
"HELP" followed by a space followed by the topic of interest
followed by the Enter key. The secondary help level is accessed
in a similar manner by entering "HELP /S" to see the topics
available, and "HELP topic/S" to view the secondary help file on
this topic (note there is no space between the topic and the
"/S" in the command).
Backing Up Your Distribution Diskette
Before using or altering this HELP function distribution diskette
a backup copy should be made. You may do this using your
favorite method or by invoking the batch file MAKEBKUP.BAT
included on the distribution diskette. If your computer has only
one disk drive, the files DISKCOPY and DISKCOMP must be copied
from your DOS diskette to this diskette before running the batch
file. Place a write protect tab over the notch on the side of
your diskette before backing up. Invoke the batch file by
entering the command "MAKEBKUP p: s: d:" followed by the Enter
key. In the command you should replace "p:" with the drive
containing the DOS programs DISKCOPY and DISKCOMP in the default
directory, "s:" with the diskette drive containing the
distribution diskette, and "d:" with the destination disk drive
to write the copy. The destination diskette must be formatted
before starting this batch file.
* To backup using a single drive system, the command would be
entered as "MAKEBKUP A: A: A:". DOS will prompt for the source
and destination diskettes at the appropriate times and may
require the insertion of a system diskette a couple of times.
* To backup in a dual drive system, the command is entered as
"MAKEBKUP A: B: B:" to do a single drive copy in drive B: while
leaving the DOS diskette in drive A:
Configuring the HELP Function for Your Computer
There are several things that must be done to prepare the HELP
function for your computer. As supplied, the HELP function
describes the commands for PC-DOS version 2.10. If you are using
DOS 2.00, submit the batch file CNV2_00.BAT to convert the help
files to explain DOS 2.00 (make sure you have a backup copy of
the HELP distribution diskette before doing this). To submit the
file, put your diskette copy in the default diskette drive and
enter the command "CNV2_00" followed by the Enter key.
If you are using a PCjr, you will be running DOS 2.10. The keys
on the PCjr keyboard are different, so there is a batch file
CNVPCJR.BAT to convert the help files to reference those keys.
Submit the batch file by putting your distribution diskette in
the default diskette drive and entering the command "CNVPCJR"
followed by the Enter key. If you only have one disk drive, that
drive is the default. Make sure you have a backup copy of the
HELP distribution diskette before doing this.
You must decide which disk is to contain the help function. It
might be easiest to keep your HELP distribution diskette as a
dedicated help diskette. Another alternative is to copy the file
HELP.EXE to your DOS system diskette and leave the help files on
the distribution diskette in drive B:. For those of you with a
fixed disk, you might be able to put all the primary and
secondary help files on your fixed disk. The choice is up to
you, however you should perform the next step before actually
copying any files to other disks (aside from your backup).
A program named HCONFIG.EXE is supplied on the distribution
diskette to allow you to configure the HELP function for your
system. This allows you to specify the directories, disk drives
and filename extensions that HELP.EXE should use when responding
to primary and secondary help requests. To run the program,
enter "HCONFIG" followed by the Enter key. Both HELP.EXE and
HCONFIG.EXE must be in the default diskette drive and directory.
When HELP.EXE is configured, copy the help files and HELP.EXE to
the directories you have decided upon and try obtaining some
help. If help is not displayed as expected, you have probably
done something wrong while using HCONFIG, so rerun that program
and check for errors. After fixing the specifications, copy
HELP.EXE to your selected disk again and retest it.
If you have decided to use this copy of your distribution
diskette as a dedicated HELP diskette, you can free up some space
by running the batch file CLEANUP.BAT. This will delete all the
help files you will not need after configuring for your system.
You should only run this after converting to DOS 2.00 or PCjr (if
desired). The file is submitted by entering "CLEANUP" followed
by the Enter key.
Adding New Help Topics
If you view the subdirectories \PRIMARY and \SECNDRY on the
distribution diskette with the DIR command, you will see that
each topic available for help is a file with the same name and
the extension ".HLP". This makes it easy for you to add new help
topics to the diskette. One of the best uses I have found is to
keep track of programs I have written. Once a program is written
and tested, a short help file of the same name is created so that
in six month's time I can figure out what that program is
supposed to do. Each help file should be entered as an ASCII
file (non-document mode for those of you with Wordstar) so it
will display correctly on the screen, and must be under 64 Kbytes
in length. In addition, the help filenames should not contain
the characters =+[];: or " .
Give a copy of HELP to your friends, and encourage them to make a
$15 contribution as well (that's the whole idea behind
User-Supported software; it's supported by the users)! PLEASE
make all copies from your original distribution diskette. I
really don't want to get many different versions of the help
files circulating. If you have new examples for the DOS help
files or disagree with my interpretations please let me know so
the problems can be corrected in future releases. There is one
exception though; a special file named ADDENDUM.HLP in the
secondary help files where you are invited to make additions that
might aid others in their understanding and interpretation of
IBM PC, XT, PCjr & PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines.